Filter Progress Reporting


SimpleITK has the ability to add commands or callbacks as observers of events that may occur during data processing. This feature can be used to add progress reporting to a console, to monitor the process of optimization, to abort a process, or to improve the integration of SimpleITK into Graphical User Interface event queues.


Events are a simple enumerated type in SimpleITK, represented by the EventEnum type. More information about each event type can be found in the documentation for the enum. All SimpleITK filters, including the reading and writing ones, are derived from the ProcessObject class which has support for events. SimpleITK utilizes the native ITK event system but has simpler events and methods to add an observer or commands. The goal is to provide a simpler interface more suitable for scripting languages.


The command design pattern is used to allow user code to be executed when an event occurs. It is encapsulated in the Command class. The Command class provides a virtual Execute method to be overridden in derived classes. Additionally, SimpleITK provides internal reference tracking between the ProcessObject and the Command. This reference tracking allows an object to be created on the stack or dynamically allocated, without additional burden.

Command Directors for Wrapped Languages

SimpleITK uses SWIG’s director feature to enable wrapped languages to derive classes from the Command class. Thus a user may override the Command class’s Execute method for custom call-backs. The following languages support deriving classes from the Command class:

  class MyCommand : Command {

    private ProcessObject m_ProcessObject;

    public MyCommand(ProcessObject po){
      m_ProcessObject = po;

    public override void Execute() {
      Console.WriteLine("{0} Progress: {1:0.00}", m_ProcessObject.GetName(), m_ProcessObject.GetProgress() );

Command Functions and Lambdas for Wrapped Languages

Not all languages are naturally object oriented, and it is often easier to simply define a callback inline with a lambda function. The following language supports inline function definitions for functions for the ProcessObject::AddCommand method:

  writer.AddCommand(sitk::sitkStartEvent, [] { std::cout << "Writting..." << std::flush; });
  writer.AddCommand(sitk::sitkEndEvent, [] { std::cout << "done" << std::endl; });


using System;
using itk.simple;

namespace itk.simple.examples {

//! [csharp director command]
  class MyCommand : Command {

    private ProcessObject m_ProcessObject;

    public MyCommand(ProcessObject po){
      m_ProcessObject = po;

    public override void Execute() {
      Console.WriteLine("{0} Progress: {1:0.00}", m_ProcessObject.GetName(), m_ProcessObject.GetProgress() );
//! [csharp director command]

  class FilterProgressReporting {

    static void Main(string[] args) {
      try {
        if (args.Length < 3) {
          Console.WriteLine("Usage: {0} <input> <variance> <output>", args[0]);
        // Read input image
        ImageFileReader reader = new ImageFileReader();
        Image image = reader.Execute();

        // Execute Gaussian smoothing filter
        DiscreteGaussianImageFilter filter = new DiscreteGaussianImageFilter();

        MyCommand cmd = new MyCommand(filter);
        filter.AddCommand(EventEnum.sitkProgressEvent, cmd);

        image = filter.Execute(image);

        // Write output image
        ImageFileWriter writer = new ImageFileWriter();

      } catch (Exception ex) {