Hello World


A “Hello World” example for SimpleITK. The example constructs a 128x128 greyscale image, draws a smiley face made of Gaussian blobs, and calls the Show function to display the image with Fiji.


using System;
using itk.simple;

namespace itk.simple.examples {
  class HelloWorld {

    static void Main(string[] args) {

      try {

        // Create an image
        PixelIDValueEnum pixelType = PixelIDValueEnum.sitkUInt8;
        VectorUInt32 imageSize = new VectorUInt32( new uint[] { 128, 128 } );
        Image image = new Image( imageSize, pixelType );

        // Create a face image
        VectorDouble faceSize = new VectorDouble( new double[] { 64, 64 } );
        VectorDouble faceCenter = new VectorDouble( new double[] { 64, 64 } );
        Image face = SimpleITK.GaussianSource( pixelType, imageSize, faceSize, faceCenter );

        // Create eye images
        VectorDouble eyeSize = new VectorDouble( new double[] { 5, 5 } );
        VectorDouble eye1Center = new VectorDouble( new double[] { 48, 48 } );
        VectorDouble eye2Center = new VectorDouble( new double[] { 80, 48 } );
        Image eye1 = SimpleITK.GaussianSource( pixelType, imageSize, eyeSize, eye1Center, 150 );
        Image eye2 = SimpleITK.GaussianSource( pixelType, imageSize, eyeSize, eye2Center, 150 );

        // Apply the eyes to the face
        face = SimpleITK.Subtract( face, eye1 );
        face = SimpleITK.Subtract( face, eye2 );
        face = SimpleITK.BinaryThreshold( face, 200, 255, 255 );

        // Create the mouth
        VectorDouble mouthRadii = new VectorDouble( new double[] { 30, 20 } );
        VectorDouble mouthCenter = new VectorDouble( new double[] { 64, 76 } );
        Image mouth = SimpleITK.GaussianSource( pixelType, imageSize, mouthRadii, mouthCenter );
        mouth = SimpleITK.BinaryThreshold( mouth, 200, 255, 255 );
        mouth = SimpleITK.Subtract( 255, mouth );

        // Paste the mouth onto the face
        VectorUInt32 mouthSize = new VectorUInt32( new uint[] { 64, 18 } );
        VectorInt32 mouthLoc = new VectorInt32(  new int[] { 32, 76 } );
        face = SimpleITK.Paste( face, mouth, mouthSize, mouthLoc, mouthLoc );

        // Apply the face to the original image
        image = SimpleITK.Add( image, face );

        SimpleITK.Show( image, "Hello World: CSharp", true );

      } catch (Exception ex) {

// This one header will include all SimpleITK filters and external
// objects.
#include <SimpleITK.h>
#include <sitkImageOperators.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>

// create convenient namespace alias
namespace sitk = itk::simple;

int main ( int argc, char* argv[] ) {

  sitk::PixelIDValueEnum pixelType = sitk::sitkUInt8;
  std::vector<unsigned int> imageSize ( 2, 128 );

  // Create an image
  sitk::Image image( imageSize, pixelType );

  // Create a face image
  std::vector<double> faceSize ( 2, 64.0 );
  std::vector<double> faceCenter ( 2, 64.0 );;
  sitk::Image face = sitk::GaussianSource( pixelType, imageSize, faceSize, faceCenter );

  // Create eye images
  std::vector<double> eyeSize ( 2, 5.0 );
  std::vector<double> eye1Center ( 2, 48.0 );
  std::vector<double> eye2Center = { 80.0, 48.0 };
  sitk::Image eye1 = sitk::GaussianSource( pixelType, imageSize, eyeSize, eye1Center, 150 );
  sitk::Image eye2 = sitk::GaussianSource( pixelType, imageSize, eyeSize, eye2Center, 150 );

  // Apply the eyes to the face
  face = face - eye1 - eye2;
  face = sitk::BinaryThreshold( face, 200, 255, 255 );

  // Create the mouth
  std::vector<double> mouthRadii = { 30.0, 20.0 };
  std::vector<double> mouthCenter = { 64.0, 76.0 };
  sitk::Image mouth = 255 - sitk::BinaryThreshold(
                              sitk::GaussianSource(pixelType, imageSize, mouthRadii, mouthCenter),
                              200, 255, 255 );

  // Paste the mouth onto the face
  std::vector<unsigned int> mouthSize = { 64, 18 };
  std::vector<int> mouthLoc = { 32, 76 };
  face = sitk::Paste( face, mouth, mouthSize, mouthLoc, mouthLoc );

  // Apply the face to the original image
  image = image + face;

  // Display the results
  sitk::Show( image, "Hello World: C++", true );

import org.itk.simple.*;

class HelloWorld {

  public static void main(String argv[]) {

    // Create an image
    PixelIDValueEnum pixelType = PixelIDValueEnum.sitkUInt8;
    VectorUInt32 imageSize = new VectorUInt32( 2 );
    imageSize.set( 0, 128 );
    imageSize.set( 1, 128 );
    Image image = new Image( imageSize, pixelType );

    // Create a face image
    VectorDouble faceSize = new VectorDouble( 2 );
    faceSize.set( 0, 64 );
    faceSize.set( 1, 64 );
    VectorDouble faceCenter = new VectorDouble( 2 );
    faceCenter.set( 0, 64 );
    faceCenter.set( 1, 64 );
    Image face = SimpleITK.gaussianSource( pixelType, imageSize, faceSize, faceCenter );

    // Create eye images
    VectorDouble eyeSize = new VectorDouble( 2 );
    eyeSize.set( 0, 5 );
    eyeSize.set( 1, 5 );
    VectorDouble eye1Center = new VectorDouble( 2 );
    eye1Center.set( 0, 48 );
    eye1Center.set( 1, 48 );
    VectorDouble eye2Center = new VectorDouble( 2 );
    eye2Center.set( 0, 80 );
    eye2Center.set( 1, 48 );
    Image eye1 = SimpleITK.gaussianSource( pixelType, imageSize, eyeSize, eye1Center, 150 );
    Image eye2 = SimpleITK.gaussianSource( pixelType, imageSize, eyeSize, eye2Center, 150 );

    // Apply the eyes to the face
    face = SimpleITK.subtract( face, eye1 );
    face = SimpleITK.subtract( face, eye2 );
    face = SimpleITK.binaryThreshold( face, 200., 255., (short) 255 );

    // Create the mouth
    VectorDouble mouthRadii = new VectorDouble( 2 );
    mouthRadii.set( 0, 30 );
    mouthRadii.set( 1, 20 );
    VectorDouble mouthCenter = new VectorDouble( 2 );
    mouthCenter.set( 0, 64 );
    mouthCenter.set( 1, 76 );
    Image mouth = SimpleITK.gaussianSource( pixelType, imageSize, mouthRadii, mouthCenter );
    mouth = SimpleITK.binaryThreshold( mouth, 200, 255, (short) 255 );
    mouth = SimpleITK.subtract( 255, mouth );

    // Paste the mouth onto the face
    VectorUInt32 mouthSize = new VectorUInt32( 2 );
    mouthSize.set( 0, 64 );
    mouthSize.set( 1, 18 );
    VectorInt32 mouthLoc = new VectorInt32( 2 );
    mouthLoc.set( 0, 32 );
    mouthLoc.set( 1, 76 );
    face = SimpleITK.paste( face, mouth, mouthSize, mouthLoc, mouthLoc );

    // Apply the face to the original image
    image = SimpleITK.add( image, face );

    // Display the results
    SimpleITK.show( image, "Hello World: Java", true );

require "SimpleITK"

local sitk = SimpleITK

-- Create an image
pixelType = sitk.sitkUInt8
imageSize = sitk.VectorUInt32()
imageSize:push_back( 128 )
imageSize:push_back( 128 )
image = sitk.Image( imageSize, sitk.sitkUInt8 )

-- Create a face image
faceSize = sitk.VectorDouble()
faceSize:push_back( 64 )
faceSize:push_back( 64 )
faceCenter = sitk.VectorDouble()
faceCenter:push_back( 64 )
faceCenter:push_back( 64 )
face = sitk.GaussianSource( pixelType, imageSize, faceSize, faceCenter )

-- Create eye images
eyeSize = sitk.VectorDouble()
eyeSize:push_back( 5 )
eyeSize:push_back( 5 )
eye1Center = sitk.VectorDouble()
eye1Center:push_back( 48 )
eye1Center:push_back( 48 )
eye2Center = sitk.VectorDouble()
eye2Center:push_back( 80 )
eye2Center:push_back( 48 )
eye1 = sitk.GaussianSource( pixelType, imageSize, eyeSize, eye1Center, 150 )
eye2 = sitk.GaussianSource( pixelType, imageSize, eyeSize, eye2Center, 150 )

-- Apply the eyes to the face
face = sitk.Subtract( face, eye1 )
face = sitk.Subtract( face, eye2 )
face = sitk.BinaryThreshold( face, 200, 255, 255 )

-- Create the mouth
mouthRadii = sitk.VectorDouble()
mouthRadii:push_back( 30.0 )
mouthRadii:push_back( 20.0 )
mouthCenter = sitk.VectorDouble()
mouthCenter:push_back( 64.0 )
mouthCenter:push_back( 76.0 )
mouth = sitk.GaussianSource( pixelType, imageSize, mouthRadii, mouthCenter )
mouth = sitk.BinaryThreshold( mouth, 200, 255, 255 )
mouth = sitk.Subtract( 255, mouth )

-- Paste the mouth onto the face
mouthSize = sitk.VectorUInt32()
mouthSize:push_back( 64 )
mouthSize:push_back( 18 )
mouthLoc = sitk.VectorInt32()
mouthLoc:push_back( 32 )
mouthLoc:push_back( 76 )
face = sitk.Paste( face, mouth, mouthSize, mouthLoc, mouthLoc );

-- Apply the face to the original image
image = sitk.Add( image, face )

-- Display the results
sitk.Show( image, "Hello World: Lua", true )
#!/usr/bin/env python

import SimpleITK as sitk

# Create an image
pixelType = sitk.sitkUInt8
imageSize = [128, 128]
image = sitk.Image(imageSize, pixelType)

# Create a face image
faceSize = [64, 64]
faceCenter = [64, 64]
face = sitk.GaussianSource(pixelType, imageSize, faceSize, faceCenter)

# Create eye images
eyeSize = [5, 5]
eye1Center = [48, 48]
eye2Center = [80, 48]
eye1 = sitk.GaussianSource(pixelType, imageSize, eyeSize, eye1Center, 150)
eye2 = sitk.GaussianSource(pixelType, imageSize, eyeSize, eye2Center, 150)

# Apply the eyes to the face
face = face - eye1 - eye2
face = sitk.BinaryThreshold(face, 200, 255, 255)

# Create the mouth
mouthRadii = [30, 20]
mouthCenter = [64, 76]
mouth = 255 - sitk.BinaryThreshold(sitk.GaussianSource(
    pixelType, imageSize, mouthRadii, mouthCenter),
    200, 255, 255)
# Paste the mouth into the face
mouthSize = [64, 18]
mouthLoc = [32, 76]
face = sitk.Paste(face, mouth, mouthSize, mouthLoc, mouthLoc)

# Apply the face to the original image
image = image + face

# Display the results
sitk.Show(image, title="Hello World: Python", debugOn=True)

# Create an image
pixelType <- 'sitkUInt8'
imageSize <- c( 128, 128 )
image     <- Image( imageSize, pixelType )

# Create a face image
faceSize   <- c( 64, 64)
faceCenter <- c( 64, 64)
face       <- GaussianSource( pixelType, imageSize, faceSize, faceCenter )

# Create eye images
eyeSize    <- c( 5, 5 )
eye2Center <- c( 48, 48 )
eye1Center <- c( 80, 48 )
eye1       <- GaussianSource( pixelType, imageSize, eyeSize, eye1Center, 150 )
eye2       <- GaussianSource( pixelType, imageSize, eyeSize, eye2Center, 150 )

# Apply the eyes to the face
face <- face - eye1 - eye2
face <- BinaryThreshold( face, 200, 255, 255 )

# Create the mouth
mouthRadii  <- c( 30, 20 )
mouthCenter <- c( 64, 76 )
mouth       <- 255 - BinaryThreshold( GaussianSource( pixelType, imageSize, mouthRadii, mouthCenter ),
                                      200, 255, 255 )
# Paste mouth onto the face
mouthSize <- c( 64, 18 )
mouthLoc  <- c( 32, 76 )
face = Paste( face, mouth, mouthSize, mouthLoc, mouthLoc )

# Apply the face to the original image
image <- image + face

# Display the results
Show(image, "Hello World: R", debugOn=TRUE)
require 'simpleitk'

# Create an image
pixelType = Simpleitk::SitkUInt8
imageSize = Simpleitk::VectorUInt32.new
imageSize << 128
imageSize << 128
image = Simpleitk::Image.new( imageSize, pixelType )

# Create a face image
faceSize = Simpleitk::VectorDouble.new
faceSize << 64
faceSize << 64
faceCenter = Simpleitk::VectorDouble.new
faceCenter << 64
faceCenter << 64
face = Simpleitk::gaussian_source( pixelType, imageSize, faceSize, faceCenter )

# Create eye images
eyeSize = Simpleitk::VectorDouble.new
eyeSize << 5
eyeSize << 5
eye1Center = Simpleitk::VectorDouble.new
eye1Center << 48
eye1Center << 48
eye2Center = Simpleitk::VectorDouble.new
eye2Center << 80
eye2Center << 48
eye1 = Simpleitk::gaussian_source( pixelType, imageSize, eyeSize, eye1Center, 150 )
eye2 = Simpleitk::gaussian_source( pixelType, imageSize, eyeSize, eye2Center, 150 )

# Apply the eyes to the face
face = Simpleitk.subtract( face, eye1 )
face = Simpleitk.subtract( face, eye2 )
face = Simpleitk.binary_threshold( face, 200, 255, 255 );

# Create the mouth
mouthRadii = Simpleitk::VectorDouble.new
mouthRadii << 30
mouthRadii << 20
mouthCenter = Simpleitk::VectorDouble.new
mouthCenter << 64
mouthCenter << 76
mouth = Simpleitk::gaussian_source( pixelType, imageSize, mouthRadii, mouthCenter )
mouth = Simpleitk::binary_threshold( mouth, 200, 255, 255 )
mouth = Simpleitk::subtract( 255, mouth )

# Paste the mouth onto the face
mouthSize = Simpleitk::VectorUInt32.new
mouthSize << 64
mouthSize << 18
mouthLoc = Simpleitk::VectorInt32.new
mouthLoc << 32
mouthLoc << 76
face = Simpleitk::paste( face, mouth, mouthSize, mouthLoc, mouthLoc )

# Apply the face to the original image
image = Simpleitk.add( image, face )

Simpleitk.show( image, "Hello World: Ruby", true )
# Create an image
set pixelType $sitkUInt16
set imageSize { 128 128 }
Image img   $imageSize $pixelType

# Create a face
set faceSize   { 64 64 }
set faceCenter { 64 64 }
set face       [ GaussianSource $pixelType $imageSize $faceSize $faceCenter ]

# Create eye images
set eyeSize    { 5 5 }
set eye1Center { 48 48 }
set eye2Center { 80 48 }
set eye1       [ GaussianSource $pixelType $imageSize $eyeSize $eye1Center 150 ]
set eye2       [ GaussianSource $pixelType $imageSize $eyeSize $eye2Center 150 ]

# Apply the eyes to the face
set face [ Subtract $face $eye1 ]
set face [ Subtract $face $eye2 ]
set face [ BinaryThreshold $face 200 255 255 ]

# Create the mouth
set mouthRadii  { 30 20 }
set mouthCenter { 64 76 }
set mouth [ GaussianSource $pixelType $imageSize $mouthRadii $mouthCenter ]
set mouth [ Subtract 255 [ BinaryThreshold $mouth 200 255 255 ] ]

# Paste the mouth onto the face
set mouthSize { 64 18 }
set mouthLoc  { 32 76 }
set face [ Paste $face $mouth $mouthSize $mouthLoc $mouthLoc ]

# Apply the face to the original image
set img $face

# Display the results
Show $img "Hello World: TCL" 1