Image Grid Manipulation
There are numerous SimpleITK filters that have similar functions, but very important differences. The filters that will be compared are:
- Joins multiple N-D images into an (N+1)-D image
- Combines several scalar images into a multi-component vector image
- Extracts the selected index of the input pixel type vector (the input image pixel type must be a vector and the output a scalar). Additionally, this filter can cast the output pixel type (SetOutputPixelType method).
- Crops an image to the selected region bounds using vectors; Collapses dimensions unless dimension is two
- Similar toExtractImageFilter()
, but crops an image by anitk::Size
at upper and lower boundsImage Slicing Operator - Uses slicing (
img[i:j, k:l]
) to extract a subregion of an image
All of these operations will maintain the physical location of the pixels, instead modifying the image’s metadata.
Composition Filters
While JoinSeriesImageFilter()
merges multiple images of the same pixel
type in N dimensions into an image in N+1 dimensions, ComposeImageFilter()
will combine scalar images into a vector image of the same dimension. The
former is useful for connecting a series of contiguous images while the latter
is more useful for merging multiple channels of the same object into one image
(such as RGB).
Extraction Filters
will isolate a single channel in a
vector image and return a scalar image. On the other hand,
and CropImageFilter()
will extract and return a
subregion of an image, using an ExtractionRegion size and index and
’s respectively. However, note that only the
collapses dimensions. The image slicing operator
can also serve the same purpose.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import SimpleITK as sitk
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
print("Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " <input-1> <input-2>")
# Two vector images of same pixel type and dimension expected
image_1 = sitk.ReadImage(sys.argv[1])
image_2 = sitk.ReadImage(sys.argv[2])
# Join two N-D Vector images to form an (N+1)-D image
join = sitk.JoinSeriesImageFilter()
joined_image = join.Execute(image_1, image_2)
# Extract first three channels of joined image (assuming RGB)
select = sitk.VectorIndexSelectionCastImageFilter()
channel1_image = select.Execute(joined_image, 0, sitk.sitkUInt8)
channel2_image = select.Execute(joined_image, 1, sitk.sitkUInt8)
channel3_image = select.Execute(joined_image, 2, sitk.sitkUInt8)
# Recompose image (should be same as joined_image)
compose = sitk.ComposeImageFilter()
composed_image = compose.Execute(channel1_image, channel2_image, channel3_image)
# Select same subregion using image slicing operator
sliced_image = composed_image[100:400, 100:400, 0]
# Select same subregion using ExtractImageFilter
extract = sitk.ExtractImageFilter()
extract.SetSize([300, 300, 0])
extract.SetIndex([100, 100, 0])
extracted_image = extract.Execute(composed_image)
# Select same sub-region using CropImageFilter (NOTE: CropImageFilter cannot
# reduce dimensions unlike ExtractImageFilter, so cropped_image is a three
# dimensional image with depth of 1)
crop = sitk.CropImageFilter()
crop.SetLowerBoundaryCropSize([100, 100, 0])
[composed_image.GetWidth() - 400, composed_image.GetHeight() - 400, 1]
cropped_image = crop.Execute(composed_image)
# Run with:
# Rscript --vanilla ImageGridManipulation.R input-1 input-2
args <- commandArgs( TRUE )
if (length(args) < 2){
write("Usage arguments: <input-1> <input-2>", stderr())
quit(save="no", status=1)
# Two vector images of same pixel type and dimension expected
reader <- ImageFileReader()
image_1 <- reader$Execute()
image_2 <- reader$Execute()
# Join two N-D Vector images to form an (N+1)-D image
join <- JoinSeriesImageFilter()
joined_image <- join$Execute( image_1, image_2 )
# Extract first three channels of joined image (assuming RGB)
select <- VectorIndexSelectionCastImageFilter()
channel1_image <- select$Execute(joined_image, 0, "sitkUInt8")
channel2_image <- select$Execute(joined_image, 1, "sitkUInt8")
channel3_image <- select$Execute(joined_image, 2, "sitkUInt8")
# Recompose image (should be same as joined_image)
compose <- ComposeImageFilter()
composed_image <- compose$Execute(channel1_image, channel2_image, channel3_image)
# Select same subregion using image slicing operator
sliced_image = composed_image[101:400, 101:400, 1]
# Select same subregion using ExtractImageFilter
extract <- ExtractImageFilter()
extract$SetSize( list(300, 300, 0) )
extract$SetIndex( list(100, 100, 0) )
extracted_image <- extract$Execute(composed_image)
# Select same subregion using CropImageFilter (NOTE: CropImageFilter cannot reduce dimensions
# unlike ExtractImageFilter, so cropped_image is a three dimensional image with depth of 1)
crop <- CropImageFilter()
crop$SetLowerBoundaryCropSize( list(100, 100, 0) )
crop$SetUpperBoundaryCropSize( list(composed_image$GetWidth()-400, composed_image$GetHeight()-400, 1) )
cropped_image <- crop$Execute(composed_image)