Hello World


A “Hello World” example for SimpleITK. The example constructs a 128x128 greyscale image, draws a smiley face made of Gaussian blobs, and calls the Show function to display the image with Fiji.

Sample Output

Running the python code produces this image:


Input Image


using System;
using itk.simple;

namespace itk.simple.examples {
  class HelloWorld {

    static void Main(string[] args) {

      try {

        // Create an image
        PixelIDValueEnum pixelType = PixelIDValueEnum.sitkUInt8;
        VectorUInt32 imageSize = new VectorUInt32( new uint[] { 128, 128 } );
        Image image = new Image( imageSize, pixelType );

        // Create a face image
        VectorDouble faceSize = new VectorDouble( new double[] { 64, 64 } );
        VectorDouble faceCenter = new VectorDouble( new double[] { 64, 64 } );
        Image face = SimpleITK.GaussianSource( pixelType, imageSize, faceSize, faceCenter );

        // Create eye images
        VectorDouble eyeSize = new VectorDouble( new double[] { 5, 5 } );
        VectorDouble eye1Center = new VectorDouble( new double[] { 48, 48 } );
        VectorDouble eye2Center = new VectorDouble( new double[] { 80, 48 } );
        Image eye1 = SimpleITK.GaussianSource( pixelType, imageSize, eyeSize, eye1Center, 150 );
        Image eye2 = SimpleITK.GaussianSource( pixelType, imageSize, eyeSize, eye2Center, 150 );

        // Apply the eyes to the face
        face = SimpleITK.Subtract( face, eye1 );
        face = SimpleITK.Subtract( face, eye2 );
        face = SimpleITK.BinaryThreshold( face, 200, 255, 255 );

        // Create the mouth
        VectorDouble mouthRadii = new VectorDouble( new double[] { 30, 20 } );
        VectorDouble mouthCenter = new VectorDouble( new double[] { 64, 76 } );
        Image mouth = SimpleITK.GaussianSource( pixelType, imageSize, mouthRadii, mouthCenter );
        mouth = SimpleITK.BinaryThreshold( mouth, 200, 255, 255 );
        mouth = SimpleITK.Subtract( 255, mouth );

        // Paste the mouth onto the face
        VectorUInt32 mouthSize = new VectorUInt32( new uint[] { 64, 18 } );
        VectorInt32 mouthLoc = new VectorInt32(  new int[] { 32, 76 } );
        face = SimpleITK.Paste( face, mouth, mouthSize, mouthLoc, mouthLoc );

        // Apply the face to the original image
        image = SimpleITK.Add( image, face );

        // Display the results
        if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SITK_NOSHOW") == null)
          SimpleITK.Show( image, "Hello World: CSharp", true );

      } catch (Exception ex) {
